Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Why do we need theory?

I'm sure I'll misquote the line, but Leigh has a good story about a student in one of her research methods courses. One day, feeling a bit exasperated in grappling with the concept of theory in ed research, he exclaimed, I really need to get one of these theoretical frameworks!

I chuckle when I hear that--partly because I've felt that sentiment before, and partly because now it seems silly to me to think about theory as something you gotta go out and get. I see it more as an art in asking questions, a practice of genuine inquiry, as a way to construct explanations for the world around us, as an intentional process to make sense of the observations we witness...

Theory can be thought of, diversely, as a guide to navigate our social surroundings and historical realities, as a critical friend, as a process of lifelong learning, as a window into new possibilities...

On second thought, maybe we do all need to go out and get more theory in our lives.

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