Friday, February 20, 2009

Is the football slave trade "sticky"?

In continuing to think about whether the football slave trade controversy has a real public consciousness among football fans, I decided to start digging around on my current-favorite social networking site: Facebook! This morning, I joined a handful of facebook groups having to do with soccer in some way (e.g. some FIFA groups, team fansites for ManU, Arsenal, and Barca, and a smattering of others). Here's more or less what I've posted on the discussion boards:

Hi everyone, I have been doing research into what's been called the 'football slave trade' and I'm hoping people can help inform me. (see these links for some news stories on the issue...

So here's my questions: do many football fans know about this controversy? How aware are you of it? Where did you hear or read about it? If you are aware of it, do you think it matters? Do you care? Do you feel anything could or should be done about it?

If you are willing to respond honestly--in any way you'd like--I'd be grateful.
Not sure if I'll get responses or what sort, but this might just help me understand whether or not this controversy is "sticky"?

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