Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is Mikel's story a slave trade saga?

Interesting to me how this Irish Independent article framed Mikel John Obi within the contentious contract negotiations that took place between himself, Manchester United, & Chelsea FC back in 2005. Mikel, a major prospect from Nigeria, who supposedly made a deal to play with with Man U, later reneged and signed with Chelsea (Mikel's agent had close ties to Chelsea FC... wink wink, nudge nudge).

Sue Mott writes: "This is like the slave trade in reverse. Still imperialists invading Africa, and trafficking in human life, only the rewards are different. Slaves were ridiculously poor, footballers are ridiculously rich. But there is one similarity: loss of freedom."

Mott's distinction only holds up if you look at footballers who 'make it' at the top peofessional level. "Ridiculously rich" does not represent all footballers, not even a simple majority. Most do not make it, and do not have the social capital to negotiate ridiculously profitable contracts. But let's not get bogged down with attention to the little guy. We're talking about the stars here.

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