Thursday, February 5, 2015

Professor Stan Thangaraj, sociocultural anthropologist: Inside the Researcher's Studio his recent blog post, ‘Boys Being Boys': Can We Think Otherwise?, Dr. Stan Thangaraj examines sexism, sexual violence, and masculinity in linking amateur sports with the Super Bowl.  Read it at:

On Wed. Feb 11, 9:30, Dr. Thangaraj visited our class via Skype, to talk about his research spanning the intersections of race, gender, sexuality, class, and ethnicity in South Asian America in particular and in immigrant America in general.  He's author of the forthcoming book, "Desi Hoop Dreams: Pickup Basketball and the Making of Asian American Masculinity."  His work looks closely at the relationships between citizenship, gender, race, and sexuality as critical to understanding diasporic nationalism.  In class, we discussed:
-"We're 80% more Patriotic: Atlanta's Muslim Community and the Performances of Cultural Citizenship," In Routledge Publication's Handbook on Race, Class, and Gender.  Near-final version is posted on TRUNK. Or you can access the chapter free through Google books, starts on p. 220. 

-"Playing through Difference: The Black-White Racial Logic and Interrogating South Asian American Identity." Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies 35(6) [see TRUNK]

You can download unedited audio recording of our conversation with Dr. Thangaraj, in which he shares his aims for conducting social research, and how he got involved in the ethnography of sports.  I ask him a couple questions related to his research agenda, his particular methods of socio-cultural inquiry, and the role that social theory plays his research..  Then, we opened it up to students' questions.  Thank you so much for your valuable time and attention!  

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